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Karnataka Folklore University  has extended the admission period for the 2024-25  academic year  for all Post Graduate/Post Graduate Dilploma and Certificate Courses from 06.02.2025 to 15.02.2025 


Click Here for UUCMS PORTAL   




  • Student Registration
  • Student Application
  • College Student Verification




A first of its kind in the country, the Unified University & College Management System (UUCMS) is a flagship project envisioned by the Department of Higher Education, Government of Karnataka. The UUCMS unifies and integrates the functioning and the governance of all collages and public universities in the state bringing all of them under one umbrella. Ensuring uniformity and unifying the General and Technical Higher Education institutions (HEIs) will centralize the data availability on higher education from the grass-root level. This UUCMS application will help students, parents, faculty, employees and administrators of HEIs in the state.


UUCMS Features

  • The UUCMS will Digitize the activities of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Everything from admissions and examinations to awarding degrees will be done within UUCMS
  • We have also included features like class monitoring, lesson plans,and student attendance capture in UUCMS
  • Even Faculty management features like performance assessment and promotion are included in UUCMS